What we teach:
- Basic CPR
- First Aid
- BLS For Healthcare
- Babysitting and Child Care CPR
- Skills Sessions
- Legal and Ethical Compliance
- Arizona Direct Care Curriculum
- LEVEL 1 Caregiving Fundamentals
- LEVEL 2 Aging and Physical Disabilities
- LEVEL 3 Developmental Disabilities
How we teach:
- Classroom
- Online + Classroom
- Online
- Travel
Why Hopelight Trainings?
Personalized, Student Focused, Hands-On
Class Fee:
Basic CPR:
$25 per certification (includes class handouts/ materials)
BLS For Healthcare:
$35 per certification (includes class handouts/ class book / materials)
First Aid:
$25 per certification (includes class book/ materials)
Level 1: Caregiving Fundamentals
$150.00 per person ($125 Training/ Testing $25 Materials)
- Required by the State of Arizona for all DCW
- A total of 15 classroom hours
Level 2: Aging and Physical Disabilities
$150.00 per person ($125 Training/ Testing $25 Materials)
- Optional coursework, based on DCW employer’s job requirements or job placement
- A total of 15 Classroom hours
Level 3: Developmental Disabilites
$150.00 per person ($125 Training/ Testing $25 Materials)
- Required course work for all DCW employees in the state of Arizona
- A total of 15 classroom hours
Online Appointment